


Recently, a friend of mine (Kate) went on a little adventure in Livingstone, Zambia and she sent me a few pictures...,and guess what she was doing....She was walking with the lions! I am very adventurous but walking with the lions is "adventure on another level for me". While, it seems like fun and am sure lots of you adventurous people reading this would love to try. I will share with you some pictures of Kate as well as some information on "walks with lions" just in case you want to try it.
My friend Kate with the wild cats
Walking with the lions is actually part of the program called "THE LION ENCOUNTER" which is an active conversation program about ensuring a secure future for the African lions. The Lion Encounter has two operations on either side of the Victoria Falls boarder. You can visit either on the Zimbabwean side which is the Victoria Falls town or Livingstone Town on the Zambian side where my friend Kate was. The Lion Encounter offers people a chance to walk with this magnificent species, I would say they offer an experience of a lifetime. These Lions are within the Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. They are all captive bred and raised by well trained and experienced team. For more information about the "LION ENCOUNTER" program please click here . The lion Encounter also operate the African Lion Rehabilitation and Release into the Wild program.
My friend Kate with the beautiful BIG CATS.
While, before you take walks with the lions, there will be an introduction to these beautiful creatures which will involve the background of the conversation efforts in place to rehabilitate them and to protect their natural environment. You will also be briefed with a list of DO's and DON T's. You will be accompanied by an experienced guide, scouts and handlers to make sure that you have the best and smooth experience.

Don't forget to buy a souvenir to take home with you from the art-market in Livingstone. Looking beautiful Kate.

NOTE; Minimum age for the Lion Walk is 15 years and minimum height is 1.5m or 5ft. A person must meet both the years and height requirements to qualify for a walk with the lions.

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